Faking services on an entire IP subnet – controllerless proxying.

In part II we demonstrated faking IP services for an entire subnet. Now, let’s eliminate the need for an interactive OpenFlow control entirely, with the magic OVS learn actions. These are almost like OVS assembly language instructions, that allow OVS rewrite packets or even add flows to itself. Once new pipette has programmed OVS, once, …

faking services on an entire IP subnet – part II (L3 NAT and fake services in docker)

In our last post, we used a new L2 OVS proxy to fake TCP services on an entire IP subnet. We used network namespaces for isolation. However, using namespaces can make running fake services under docker somewhat inconvenient. So this time around, we’re going to have pipette do L3 NAT for us as well, so …

faking services on an entire IP subnet

In a previous post, we introduced coprocessing and faking a TCP service on a single IP. The FAUCET coprocessor feature allows an external host to inject packets to a given VLAN (or even port). FAUCET ACLs are used to select traffic to be sent to the coprocessor (by default nothing is sent for coprocessing). In …

Building a cost-effective OpenFlow wireless development lab

Choosing the right hardware As they say when purchasing new hardware, you can have two of the following: good, cheap or fast. When building a development lab environment we want cheap and can sacrifice on fast. We won’t be getting line rate gigabit, instead in the order of 800 Mbit/s which will still be plenty …

FAUCET stacking demonstration at JRES 2019

We are proud to present Open Source SDN using @faucetsdn and @alliedtelesis OpenFlow gear at JRES 2019. Come and see a live demo using our stackable SDN switches and wireless APs at our booth! #networksmarter #alliedtelesis #SDN #JRES2019 pic.twitter.com/iSzIK6C38f — Rahul Gupta (@rahul_gupta86) December 3, 2019 Great to see FAUCET stacking!